Cabot Trail

Cape Breton University (CBU) launched the World Tourism Institute (WTI) in Baddeck in the summer of 2019, inspired by President Dingwall’s goal to connect to, and support, the tourism industry across Cape Breton Island. Cape Breton Island has long been lauded as one of the most beautiful islands in the world, attracting visitors interested in outdoor adventure, recreation, touring, fresh seafood, heritage, music, culture and most recently, some of the highest quality golf in the world.
One of Canada's youngest and most ambitious universities, Cape Breton University recognizes its location on Cape Breton Island as part of Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq. As home to five First Nation Communities, Cape Breton Island has been longer known as Unama’ki. These Mi’kmaq communities are also important aspects of the Island’s tourism and cultural experience offerings, with global appeal to one of the world’s fastest growing market segments in Indigenous Tourism. Cape Breton University’s Strategic Plan (2019-2024) identified five calculated directions with the Vision: Rooted in Cape Breton, Connected to the World.
With hospitality and tourism studies offered by CBU for decades, the university is well positioned to lead the research, training, and industry engagement on Cape Breton Island and beyond. Since the WTI launch, the world has been rocked by the Covid-19 global pandemic with impacts affecting each of us in many ways. The tourism industry will be transformed by this challenge; however, it will rebound under a new operating context, adapting to visitor demands and expectations. Being prepared to respond to the needs of the sector has never been more important.
The World Tourism Institute is involved in numerous projects and activities in support of the tourism sector on Cape Breton Island. More information can be found at www.CBU.ca/wti
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program.