Cabot Trail

The Cape Breton Island Tourism Training Network will engage with the tourism sector on Cape Breton Island to identify and provide post-pandemic workforce solutions based in training and research customized to support for Cape Breton’s tourism industry. The tourism and hospitality sector on island and across the country has been hit particularly hard by the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, many workers have been displaced. The CBITTN will embrace this opportunity for learning and growth.
With the creation of skills development programming that meets the unique needs of industry operators, tourism businesses on island will gain the skill sets needed to stand stronger than ever, implementing lessons learned with a fresh, creative approach to business moving forward. Courses will be research-based, analysing labour market trends to inform the approach to training.
A key objective of the CBITTN training component will be to help employers and industry stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality sector to attract and retain skilled workers, build capacity through training and resources, become more competitive and remove barriers for groups that continue to be under-represented in the labour market.

Skills Development

Skills Development
Skill development is a process that enables individuals to gain access to agility, knowledge and capacity, professional ethos and good working attitude by training, establishing skill standards, and other related pursuits.
Skills development is important because it can contribute to organizational transformation and economic growth by enhancing the individual’s employability and labor productivity and helping communities and regions to become more motivated and equipped to succeed in competitive circumstances.
The Tourism Industry on Cape Breton Island is experiencing a significant challenge related to their labour force. Two problems have arisen; availability and skillset. As part of the CBITTN’s response to this, a wide variety of skills-development courses are being developed and will be made available to industry operators, employees, and volunteers within the industry’s many sectors. These courses can be delivered in community and/or virtually.

Covid-19 has impacted global economies, and the economic landscape of Cape Breton Island is no exception. Many industries are experiencing unavailability of a skilled labour force. The World Tourism Institute (WTI) at Cape Breton University is embracing the needs of a post-pandemic society, leading innovatively with the development of microcredentials. Specifically, development efforts relate directly to the Tourism Industry on Cape Breton Island, post-pandemic. WTI direction is industry-lead. Tourism industry operators on island provide relevant input to skills gaps, labour force need, and areas of interest for growth. This data informs decision making related to the on-going development of WTI, CBU microcredentials.
Microcredentials are an educational avenue that supports the acquisition of competency-based learnings, increasing the employability of industry participants. They are a form of a rapid training program that helps match your skill sets with demands of employers. Short learning experiences are outcome-based and require evidence of learning. Delivery formats are flexible, in-person or virtually.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program.