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Cape Auguet Light house


2023 Cape Breton Island

Visitor Survey

Every year the CBITTN conducts a survey of visitors to Cape Breton Island to gather data related to specific issues facing the local tourism community. This year we are sending out research assistants to several partner organisations to collect data from our visitors.

Former Tourism Industry

Employee Survey

In an effort to address the causes and potential solutions to the tourism workforce shortage in Cape Breton, we are continuing to conduct a survey of people who have left the tourism industry in Cape Breton. The purpose is to determine the causes for leaving the tourism industry and identify potential strategies to encourage them to return to the Cape Breton tourism industry.

Cape Breton Island Tourism Operator Gap Survey

We are continuing to gather data from Cape Breton Island tourism operators related to their current and future projections for revenue, labor, and development.

Case Study Research

In 2022 and 2023 the CBITTN has conducted and transcribed 8 interviews with owners and operators in the Cape Breton Island Tourism industry which will be turned into case studies for use by Cape Breton University’s BHTM and Business programs. This year we will continue to expand our pool of case study interviews and begin converting them to formal academic case studies.



243 Charlotte St.

Sydney, NS B1P 1C4​​

Tel: 902-371-0255


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This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program.


243 Charlotte St.

Sydney, NS B1P 1C4​​

Tel: 902-371-0255


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Unama’ki espi-kina’matno’kuom etek Mi’kma’ki, wla na no’kamanaq aq maqamikewminu mena’qiknmuetuk.

Cape Breton University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw People.


This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program.

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